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Rupesh Patel

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Since I can remember, I’ve been driven by curiosity and a desire to serve others. This podcast is my creative vehicle to do just that. 


I truly enjoy making that human connection, understanding how people think, what drives them, and the complex problems that challenge our societies. 


I’ve been blessed to have a diverse and rich life, filled with experiences and people that continue to leave me in wonderment. I have had formative academic and work experiences such as learning about the human body for nearly 10 years through Kinesiology to shifting to a completely different life in public policy and working in health, energy, climate change, transportation, and traffic safety.  


I’m also guided by the loss of my dad which shook my foundation, to marrying into an interracial relationship and dealing with family acceptance, to being smitten by the ‘little love of my life’ and reflecting daily on my parenting and leadership skills. 


In this podcast you can trust that you’ll be getting my whole self: curiosity, humility, courage, and depth.

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Site created and maintained by Rupesh Patel

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